Mind Network Monthly Recap for February 2024

Mind Network
2 min readFeb 29, 2024



Greetings from Denver!

We’re closing February in beautiful Colorado US at the always exciting EthDenver conference!

February was HUGE.

1.) Current testnet stats:

Wallets = 520k

Transactions = 2.1M

Socials = +40%

**TBA: Testnet EP02 launches soon

2.) We officially partnered with THE name in FHE; Zama! (link to post)

3.) We were accepted by the Metis DAO and are officially building FHE into the Metis ecosystem! (Link)

4.) Our weekly AMA, MindChats is on fire and only getting started! This month we were joined by guests from Metis, DLC.Link, and the Consensys Team! We have some really exciting guests lined up for after EthDenver. Mark your calendar every Thursday on our X page!

5.) We presented for Polymorphic Capitals FHELLO World Day, an online event dedicated to al things FHE and joined by other leaders like IBM and Fhenix. (Link)

6.) We were guests on Ontology’s AMA!

7.) Inception Capital featured MindNetwork in their FHE write up about the potential of this groundbreaking encryption. (Link)

Follow our socials for updates relating to EthDenver! See you soon!

About Mind Network

Mind Network is the first FHE Restaking Layer for POS and AI Networks. Our framework operates as an FHE validation network, bringing secure computation and consensus to AI, DePIN, EigenLayer AVS, Bittensor Subnet, and many critical POS networks. Mind Network’s solution has found initial product-market-fit with projects such as IO.Net, MyShell, Bittensor, AIOZ, Nimble AI, ChainLink, Connext and more adopting its solution. It has achieved 650k+ active users and 3.2M+ transactions processed on its testnet.

Mind Network is backed by Binance Labs, Hashkey, Big Brain, Chainlink, Comma3, SevenX, and received an Ethereum grant to conduct research on practical implementations for FHE technology on Ethereum.

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Mind Network

An FHE (Fully Homomorphic Encryption) Restaking Layer for POS and AI Networks. https://linktr.ee/mindnetwork_xyz