Mind Network’s 2023 in Review

Mind Network
4 min readDec 29, 2023



We are thrilled to present our “2023 Year in Review,” encapsulating our relentless drive and groundbreaking achievements.

Hackathons and Innovations
2023 saw us dive headfirst into three hackathons, showcasing our innovative spirit and technical prowess. We clinched the Silver Prize at the Network State Virtual Hackathon, a testament to our team’s ingenuity. At the Ethereum Singapore 2023 Hackathon, we won first place in the ‘Deploy a Smart Contract on Linea’ competition, grabbing the attention of Vitalik Buterin. In December, our technical acumen shone again as we built the Zero Trust Bridge atop CCIP — a groundbreaking feat that underpins our commitment to enhancing blockchain security and trust.

A Year of Engagements and Enlightenment
Our influence and thought leadership extended far beyond hackathons. We were a dynamic presence in 33 online events, sharing our insights on platforms like Twitter Space, Binance Live, various live streams, and top industry conferences. Our expertise was also sought in the judging panels of several hackathons, and we embraced the role of mentors, nurturing the next generation of blockchain enthusiasts and developers.

Our application of FHE to dual-key stealth address protocols turned heads. Check it out if you haven’t already: https://ethresear.ch/t/fhe-dksap-fully-homomorphic-encryption-based-dual-key-stealth-address-protocol/16213/4

Offline Events: Where Connections Were Forged
Our journey in 2023 took us across the globe, from the Wanxiang Blockchain Week in Hong Kong to the vibrant atmosphere of TOKEN2049 in Singapore. In Austin, TX, at Permissionless 2, we expanded our network, and in NYC, our keynote at Mainnet2023 resonated with industry leaders. Smartcon2023 in Barcelona highlighted us as featured members. We presented at EPF Day at Devconnect in Istanbul and concluded the year on a high note at the Messari 2024 Crypto Theses Event in NYC.

Product Launches: Pioneering the Future
2023 marked the debut of MindLake, a product that embodies our commitment to data security. Integrating Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) and Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP), and partnering with platforms like Arweave, IPFS, and Greenfield, MindLake is a fortress for sensitive data.

Later in the year, we unveiled our Zero Trust Layer, ensuring unparalleled privacy and security in value transfer across chains and financial ecosystems.

Looking Ahead: Zero Trust on Mainnet
As we stand on the brink of 2024, our excitement is palpable. The upcoming launch of our mainnet will bring the first tokenized FHE product ever to the market.

It’s not just a milestone for Web3; it’s a leap toward redefining privacy and security in the digital world.

In closing, 2023 has been nothing short of extraordinary. Each achievement, each event, and each product launch has been a step towards realizing our vision for a secure, private, and user-centric Web3. As we embark on 2024, we are realizing our promise to deliver world-class products that empower you to harness the full potential of your data. Here’s to a future where privacy, security, and innovation converge to create unparalleled value for our community and the world.

About Mind Network

Mind Network is the first FHE Restaking Layer for POS and AI Networks. Our framework operates as an FHE validation network, bringing secure computation and consensus to AI, DePIN, EigenLayer AVS, Bittensor Subnet, and many critical POS networks. Mind Network’s solution has found initial product-market-fit with projects such as IO.Net, MyShell, Bittensor, AIOZ, Nimble AI, ChainLink, Connext and more adopting its solution. It has achieved 650k+ active users and 3.2M+ transactions processed on its testnet.

Mind Network is backed by Binance Labs, Hashkey, Big Brain, Chainlink, Comma3, SevenX, and received an Ethereum grant to conduct research on practical implementations for FHE technology on Ethereum.

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Mind Network

An FHE (Fully Homomorphic Encryption) Restaking Layer for POS and AI Networks. https://linktr.ee/mindnetwork_xyz